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The Philosopher In You.


This brief, easily accessible PDF proposes a simple and straightforward curriculum for strengthening the flesh, increasing critical thinking capacity, becoming cultured, spiritually disciplined, and more – in a word, for becoming a thoroughgoing philosophical GENERALIST. 


Check it out. Included are detailed (direct and to the point) “training plans” for improving physical, mental, and moral strength. Again, totally free : ) Opting in gets immediate access to the Philosopher-King PDF plus a subscription (also free) to our weekly philosophy-laden emails.


 In Plato’s The Republic, the Philosopher-King is dedicated to be a ruler of society, trained extensively from childhood in philosophy and liberal arts (“music”) and physical culture (“gymnastics”). The Philosopher-King resides within the class of Guardian, or the upper echelon of society which is responsible for management and protection of the whole. 

The Philosopher-King is marked by:

  • Being a lover of learning: “they will never intentionally receive into their minds falsehood, which is their detestation, and they will love the truth.” (The Republic, Benjamin Jowett translation)

  • Temperance and lack of covetousness: “for the motives which make another man desirous of having and spending, have no place in his character.”

  • Being neither illiberal (stubborn, intolerant, mean) nor a coward: “Then the cowardly and mean nature has no part in true philosophy?”

  • Justice in dealings: “Then you will soon observe whether a man is just and gentle, or rude and unsociable; these are the signs which distinguish even in youth the philosophical nature from the un-philosophical.” 


 The Philosopher-King is, in short, “noble, gracious, the friend of truth, justice, courage, temperance,” and fortitude. He or She is well trained, physically, mentally, and spiritually. They are ready to fight (for what’s right), ready to argue (for what is true), and ready to sacrifice (for what is good). They fear only the things worth fearing (= a life poorly lived) which does not include death. They are the creme de le creme, so to speak. 

To that end, we want to welcome you to Philosophy for the People with a little freebie: Our short (introductory) guide to becoming a real-life Philosopher King.