About Pat Flynn
& Jim Madden


Pat Flynn is a try hard at a lot of things: Writer. Philosopher. Entrepreneur. Kettlebell Swing Enthusiast. Guitarist. Tae Kwon Do Black Belt. Catholic.

Pat is an award-winning writer, author of five (soon to be six) books, trainer of special forces and professional athletes and those who are neither. Academically, Pat has a background in economics (undergrad) and philosophy (masters). He records music on the weekends.


Dr. Jim Madden strives to live the ancient ideal of the scholar, athlete, martial artist, and community member of the classical Greek understanding of virtue.

Dr. Jim Madden is husband of more than twenty years, father of six children (some of whom are now grown), a philosopher who publishes books and articles on the philosophy of mind, a martial artist (2019 IBJJF World No-Gi Champion, Master 4, Open Class, Blue Belt), award-winning teacher, life-long athlete, and fitness coach/author.